Thursday, July 24, 2008


To start this blog off I'd like to stress how dope Gnarls Barkley is. When I was in Florida going to school (whaddup Full Sail... assholes!!), about... I dunno, 2 years ago while I was doing the Recording Arts degree, I heard CRAZY for the first time. When I heard it, I was captivated... I was sucked in like the black hole and I enjoyed every second that played. I was like, what? This is incredible. I was showing everybody I knew. The epic/soulful production by Dangermouse meshed so well with the strong, strange and raspy vocals of Cee-Lo... the hook was intense, it shook me... it was epic... like the first time I heard Weezer's - The Blue Album. (wow) ...from then on, I've always been a die hard Gnarls Barkley fan. From the innovative stage presence + music videos to the pure genius that leaked through the speakers, they've always been at the top of my list.

So with no further a due, I give you the music video for their newest single, WHO'S GONNA SAVE MY SOUL? This video freaked me out at first... then after a while I couldn't stop laughing. The ever-evolving talent of Gnarls Barkley is at it again. Check on it:

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