Friday, July 25, 2008


If you never heard of Flight of Conchords I am going to call you a cuntbubble. Then I am going to take it back, because that's a little too harsh. Then, I'm going to tell you I used to be a cuntbubble, until my man DIEGO put me up on this amazing group/show/comedy act. The show is on HBO, or was I should say, and I'm not too sure they're going to do a season 2. I hope so. This shit is hilarious. Basically, it's two dudes from New Zealand that form a band called Flight of the Conchords. They move to New York in hopes of furthering their careers within the states, and they find this guy who does some other type of work, but also doubles, or triples, as a mananger... an awful one at that. During the episodes they mesh a song or two to tie into what the theme of the episode is... they do it seamlessly... and very creative. It's great... go cop the show and the albums when you get a chance. Here's one of my favorite clips from the show + one of my favorite songs.


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