Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Eminem - Relapse? Sick?? Dopeness?

...people are saying big things about this album. The Slim Shady LP - Marshall Mathers LP era was the best shit I ever heard... I'll just say before the Eminem Show era, he was doing it the best in my opinion. Better than Pac and Biggie and Jay and whoever else you call great, Eminem shitted on that in the before Eminem Show era. It's been 2 albums since the before Eminem Show era and I must say, my expectation level has dropped significantly since my beloved Eminem era, so where my expectation level sits now, I'm sure I won't be hurt too much by what Relapse brings to the table. It might even raise it back up. I dunno, everybody's saying big things. A historical collab with Dre and 50, a Stan pt. II of some sort, Premo on records, Swizzy on records, Eminem going back to the vicious shit, I dunno, I gotta hear it to believe it. Till then, I'll leave my low expectation stationed where it is.

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