Monday, September 29, 2008

Barack = Coolest President Ever.

...even cooler than Bill Clinton?? nooo, can't be! But yes, yes he can. Check out this excerpt from an MTV interview PRESIDENT Obama (you already know) had with Sway:

Although some critics have blasted him for hit, Obama is still backing his appreciation of Hip Hop.

"I enjoy it, but these days I don't have the time to listen to it all the time," Obama shared with Sway. "I'm a little older than Hip Hop culture. I was there at the beginning, but I was already getting older...What I've appreciated, watching this Hip Hop generation, is to see how entrepreneurial they've been. In the past, musicians oftentimes were commodities. They were just shuffled around. Obviously, they did well, but they didn't have the vision to say, 'I'm going to build a business. I'm going to build my own studio. I'm going to create my own production operations.' I think they're a lot more sophisticated than in the past, and that is a wonderful thing."

Some of the Hip-Hop artists in rotation on Senator Obama's iPod include Kanye West and Jay-Z.

...coolest president ever? Oh yes.

PS: And while we're on the subject of cool people and the cool things they do, check out some cool street art from an artist named BLOKIS in the America south of ours! (South America, duh)

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