Wednesday, August 13, 2008


And the barrage of angry gamers continues. This shit is so wild. I used to act out as such, but not to this extent... some of these guys should be banned from every game console known to man.

Now this is familiar... back around his age I used to snap the fuck out to... and plus games were way harder when I was his age, so he's a lucky one.

I remember when I'd get angry at a game and my friend would be right beside me, mocking the shit outta me... that used to take it to the top yo. I hated that. And throwing handheld consoles... who hasn't? lol.

lmfao... no words. He's on the banned list. It does help though.

"it's just a game bro." ... "SHUDDAWP!!!"

This one too. Ban this guy from ever playing another persons system. I remember when I borrowed a friends game, NFL Blitz, and I smashed it in two and handed it back to him like I didn't know what happened. lmao. I've been through it all... these guys are not alone.

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