Sunday, November 30, 2008
NFL Going 3-D?!?!
Looks like The NFL is adding a new element to make football even more addicting and interactive. Next week they're going to be testing out a new 3-D technology to a few industry elites. If all goes well, we'll be able to see football in 3-D. I think this is going to be pretty fucking awesome. Imagine seeing a bone crushing tackle in 3-D or a game winning pass in 3-D... pretty intense right? Well, the downside is you'll have to buy a whole new TV set and a pair of snazzy glasses in order to view it as such. Hopefully it goes through though... because it'll be awesome.
Check out these cool new headphones for you iPod junkies. This is a cordless headphone set that also has player controls on the side of them. So you can basically leave your iPod in your pocket the whole time and control it with your wireless headphones. These are dope, go do some diggin' and grab these babies. Near CD-quality sound for up to 10m. Might be much pricewise at $129.99, but they're pretty cool.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
The State of Black Skate
Pin Clock
Remember that toy that had like made steel pins, and you'd put your hand on one side, and it would make an imprint on the other side? I used to put my face, it was fun. Anywho, here's a clock that works with that same fascinating technology. No alarm clock or any type of sound, just the sound of moving metal pins as the time goes by. Seems pretty cool. Only $70, can't beat it.
New Music Galore!!!
road to till the casket drops mixtape drops tuesday!
This track bang, check it out.
road to till the casket drops mixtape drops tuesday!
This track bang, check it out.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The Scotsman Trufill Beverage Dispenser
Look at this sexy little beast. This little piece of work fills up your cup in an amazing way. It uses a special cup, and it fills it up like from the side or underneath in light speed. This shit is awesome, like, I need one in my life. Look at it, it's all spaced out, all blue sexy neon and such shining from underneath it. Great piece to have at the apartment, for those weekend get togethers, or if you're like me... any and everyday get togethers. lol.
Eminem - Relapse? Sick?? Dopeness?
...people are saying big things about this album. The Slim Shady LP - Marshall Mathers LP era was the best shit I ever heard... I'll just say before the Eminem Show era, he was doing it the best in my opinion. Better than Pac and Biggie and Jay and whoever else you call great, Eminem shitted on that in the before Eminem Show era. It's been 2 albums since the before Eminem Show era and I must say, my expectation level has dropped significantly since my beloved Eminem era, so where my expectation level sits now, I'm sure I won't be hurt too much by what Relapse brings to the table. It might even raise it back up. I dunno, everybody's saying big things. A historical collab with Dre and 50, a Stan pt. II of some sort, Premo on records, Swizzy on records, Eminem going back to the vicious shit, I dunno, I gotta hear it to believe it. Till then, I'll leave my low expectation stationed where it is.
Monday, November 24, 2008
The Youth Is Starting To Change
Young kids these days are on some other shit, I swear. I have 3 videos that prove my point, but trust me, there's way more videos out there and there's way more shit that's not being videotaped.
#2 (lmfao)
#3 (aw, adorable)
And ya know what, why not? A bonus video:'s a classic btw:
MGMT said it best... the youthh is startinngg to chaangge.
#2 (lmfao)
#3 (aw, adorable)
And ya know what, why not? A bonus video:'s a classic btw:
MGMT said it best... the youthh is startinngg to chaangge.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
This album is sick. Kinda reminiscent of the 2nd classic, VIOLENT BY DESIGN. Jus Allah is back with the squad and he definitely steals the spotlight every time. The beats are the usual Stoupe darkness, more darkness than the last few albums, which is a good thing. Jus Allah's voice is way raspier and his flow is different than I remember, but the shit is crazy. Check out his lyrics from the track MONOLITH:
I'm the last stage, black plagues, mass graves
half the slaves, aids, cascades,
black parades, backpack strapped grenades
braison acts of rage, accolades
may as well have rang the bell at the gates of hell
thats a Dave Chappelle, you must hate yourselves
chasin your tails, wasting, mating wells
read your mail, been tracin your paper trails
i'm incredible, unforgettable
undetectable impeccable, the inevitable
unprofessional, unscheduled rebel
the Chevelle, unsettled, unleveled
your a friend of a friend, im the beginnin and end
model citizen you just model the trends
you just model your friends, while my opposite twin
two parts hydrogen one oxygen....
Beast! And he does that on just about every track he got on. On some no mercy, drilling that shit inside deep, dudes nice. Vinnie Paz does he usual bid with the ock, bing, faggot, fuckin', satan shit. The albums hawt, I suggest underground hip-hop fans pick this one up.
8-Year Old Confesses!
Did you hear about that 8 Year old that killed his dad a few weeks ago? Here's the tape of the kid confessing to it. crazy.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Sneak peak preview trailer of the new X-Men cartoon that's coming next year on NickToons! Shit looks pretty darn sick. Check it out.
NEW VIDEO: qTIP - renaissancerap!
I'll be seeing Q-Tip along with The Cool Kids and The Knux tomorrow night in ATX for the 2K Sports Bounce Tour!! Check out the new video from Q-Tips latest drop
Q-Tip - "Renaissance Rap" from Three/21 Films on Vimeo.
2k sports bounce tour,
cool kids,
A bit of a change from the norm. This is a video from Fight Bite. Very soft and melodic sound. Very atmospheric and calming. Odd video.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Behind the scenes interview on whats to come from Cool Kids, Pacific Division, and all of them as a collective.
Backstage with The Cool Kids and Pacific Division from thisislavie on Vimeo.
PS: Big Sean in London performing with Kanye West. He's next up! He's not all out there or anything, but he will be soon. Check it out, it's dope.

Backstage with The Cool Kids and Pacific Division from thisislavie on Vimeo.
PS: Big Sean in London performing with Kanye West. He's next up! He's not all out there or anything, but he will be soon. Check it out, it's dope.
cool kids,
pacific division
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